Home > Privacy Collection Notice

Privacy Collection Notice 

Who we are Your personal information is being collected by Mediquip Pty Ltd (ABN 93 010 695 897) of 3 Henry St Loganholme Q 4129 trading as:

  • Mediquip;
  • Medical Plus ANZ; and
  • MQ Vet.

Contact details:

Privacy Officer Phone: 1300 246 349 Email: [email protected]

What is in this notice This notice describes how we collect, hold, use, and share your Personal Information.

It includes: 

  • The kinds of Personal Information we collect;
  • The reasons we collect and use that information;
  • Who we share your information with; and 
  • How to access our Privacy Policy or contact us about our privacy practices.  

You should also read the terms and conditions for any products and services we offer. These terms may contain more information about the ways we collect, hold, use, and share personal information for those products and services. 

What is Personal Information Personal Information includes information or an opinion about an individual that identifies or can be used to reasonably identify them. This can include a person’s name, postal address, email address and contact details.
What information we collect  

We collect Personal Information about you when you engage with us directly, visit our website (including opening a client account online) engage with us via social media platforms we use. The Personal Information which we may collect includes but not limited to:

  • contact name;
  • email address
  • phone number; and 
  • your delivery address. 

We may collect this information from you, a person acting on your behalf or a third-party service provider who has captured your information and shared it with us.

If you give us information about others, you must have authority to do so and tell them what is in this notice. 

Why is your Personal Information being collected? The purpose of collecting your personal information is to:

  • to confirm your identity and manage our relationship with you, including contacting you about any special offers you may be interested in.
  • to deliver products to you, which you have purchased from us.
  • to identify, manage and minimise security risks and prevent fraud, scams, and other authorised activities.
  • to design, price, improve and manage the products we provide.
  • for any other purpose you consent to or opt-in.
  • for any other purpose set out in our Privacy Policy.
What would happen if your Personal Information was not collected? If you don’t provide or if we are unable to collect, your Personal Information, or the information you give us is inaccurate or incomplete, we may not be able deliver our products to you or process any returns. 
To whom will your Personal Information be disclosed? We may disclose Personal Information to external service providers so that they may perform services for us or on our behalf, which includes our delivery partners.

Sometimes we may send your information overseas, including to:

  • service providers or third parties who store data or operate outside Australia;
  • complete a transaction such as an international money transfer; or
  • comply with laws, assist government, and law enforcement agencies. 

We do not disclose your personal information overseas.

Access to and correction of Personal Information and complaints Please refer to our privacy policy for information on how to:

  • make a privacy related complaint; or
  • access or request an amendment of your personal information.